Day 59: Not a good start

The first thing that happened this morning (after not sleeping enough because of a party and the wind) was that my mobile phone would not charge anymore. It has been peculiar for weeks since it always claims that there is humidity in the charge port. A workaround was to clear the cache of the responsible app, shut down the phone. After that it could be charged. But this morning this did not work anymore. 

After a lot of trying I got it to charge, but I'm not sure, what the solution is. So fighting the phonr might now be a daily task :(

When I started cycling I had to face the wind. This is not as bad as on a normal bike, but still more work.

And after joining the EuroVelo route again I was zig-zagging through "La Grau-du-Roi" (seemed ok, but full of traffic jams) and "La Grande-Motte" (full of concrete houses - as charming as a nuclear power plants). 

The mood was already bad when I got a flat tire. The first since quite a while. When I tipped my velomobile over I noticed that the bottom is quite a lot more damaged than anticipated. Often the speed bumps are so high that they "touch" the bottom. I guess this is the main cause of the damage (along with unexpected potholes and the velomobile being to low in the back because of the problems with the suspension). 

I now just hope this doesn't detoriate much further so I can get the bike home in one piece. After that some serious restauration work will be needed.

Later things got better and some views of the surroundings were quite nice.

And the last 10km between Sete and the camp site I'm staying on I cycled along an endless beach on a quite nice cycling path.

Tomorrow I will leave the coast and later the EuroVelo 8 to cycle towards Carcasonne.


  1. For the Phone you can clean the charging port with piece of plastic you cut out of some plastic packaging with scissors. If that doesn't help you can check if you can charge it via induction and get a induction charger. If the velomobile acts up too much I can also pick you up with the car to moliets, you are not that far away.

    bon voyage

    1. Thanks. Much appreciated. But the phone does not support inductive charging and I tried cleaning the charging port without success. I expect the velomobile to last at least the remaining 400km, but thanks for the offer :) I'll call you if it breaks down completely ;)


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