Day 77: Wet

Yesterday after published the blog post it started to rain. Heavy rain. Very heavy rain. At one point the water stood 1.5cm heigh around my tent. The tent floor was swimming in water. The good news: The inner tent is perfectly water-proof. The bad news: The laundry, my picnic-blanket and much more was dripping wet.

In the morning the rain had ended, but humidity was still near 100%. Since there was no chance of drying anything I put on my wet cycling pants and a wet shirt and started cycling. This was not as bad as it sounds, since it is not cold yet.

In the morning there were still a lot of climbs and I fought with my gears. At few ascents I just gave up and pushed my velomobile. Just letting the gears slide through will worsen the problem. This was quite frustrating. This did not improve when the EV4 went through the valley at the "Viaduc the Seuleuvre":

There is a lot you can do in the park. Bungi-Jumping, Zip-Lining ... or pushing a velomobile up a hill.

A bit later I had a flat tire and that was when I decided I needed some progress instead of crawling along the V333 cycling path and switched to the direct course to the Atlantic using the streets. Progree was faster, the area much flatter and the mood improved.

I arrived in the middle of the D-Day beaches and then continued to cycle slowly along the coast. 

The weather improved as well and now I hope that my stuff will dry at a camp site near Dives-sur-Mer.


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